Home » 5 Questions to Overcome a Decluttering Roadblock
A professional organizer shares questions that can help you decide what to do with those items in your ‘maybe keep’ pile
Let’s face it: For many of us, decluttering is really hard. First you have to find the time. Then you must make difficult decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Next you must figure out what to do with everything, whether that involves storing, selling or donating. And finally, you must follow through on your plan.
These tasks can be overwhelming, so it’s no wonder that many of us at some point hit a decluttering roadblock. And that’s OK. If you are letting go of something, you have to be emotionally ready to make that decision. If you’re not, you may find that certain items keep going into the “maybe” pile. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you can’t decide about a specific belonging. In my experience as a professional organizer, these questions often help my clients break through their decluttering block.
Sometimes we hold on to things without realizing that we actually don’t want them. It doesn’t matter whether the item you’re contemplating is a quilt considered a family heirloom or an everyday dog bowl you bought on sale. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it — and that’s OK.
If you ask yourself this question and hear from your gut that your answer is yes, that it would be a relief to be free of the item, then it may be time to move it out of your home.
I see this roadblock with so many of my clients. Many hang on to wedding gifts or handmade items that represent the thoughtfulness and love of the gift-giver. It can make you feel ungrateful to let such items go. But if you do not like and realistically aren’t planning to use or displaying the item, it may no longer belong in your home.
I like to think about gift-giving this way: For me, the joy is in the giving, and the appreciation is in the receiving. Even when the gift is no longer present, the memory of the thoughtfulness and kind intent will remain.
Another strategy that sometimes helps my clients is to consider the potential satisfaction of donating the item to a person in need. That hand-knit blanket might warm a baby in need. Your parents’ dinnerware might be just right for a recent college grad just starting out.
It’s always wise to be prepared for the future, and you may be able to save time and money by keeping extra supplies on hand. However, there is a limit to what is truly useful. Here are more questions to ask yourself if you feel inclined to hang on to something.
We all make purchases we regret. Some items are easy to let go of, like an inexpensive kitchen tool that is tedious to clean. Others may be more difficult, especially those you saved up to purchase. But if your attachment to an item is due purely to monetary investment, you may be surprised by the freedom you feel if you sell it or give it to someone who would truly cherish it.
Remember, if an item belongs to you (even if it’s an inherited one), it’s 100 percent your decision what to do with it. Don’t let others, including yourself, shame you into keeping something or not keeping it.
Finally, keep in mind that the five questions I’ve shared here are intended to help you view your belongings more objectively, and to make decisions that you’re comfortable with. I do understand that some items are very sentimental. If you have items you truly cannot part with — as opposed to those you keep because you don’t want to make the decision — then please enjoy, display or store them with the respect they deserve.
To read this article originally written on Houzz website click here.
Houzz Contributor. Patricia Lee is a professional home organizer in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is the co-owner of Tailorly with her business partner Jeanne Taylor. Together they create beautiful homes through decluttering, organizing, and styling. For more information visit www.tailorly.net.
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